European Data Protection Board has published Information Note on data transfers in the event of a no-deal Brexit

Publication date 13.2.2019 15.02 | Published in English on 20.2.2019 at 11.22
Press release

In the absence of an agreement between the EU and the UK, the UK will become a third country from 00.00 am CET on 30 March 2019. European Data Protection Board has published Information Note on data transfers under the GDPR in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

As a consequence of no-deal Brexit, the transfer of personal data from the EEA to the UK will have to be based on one of the instruments mentioned in the chapter V of the General Data Protection Regulation.

5 steps organisations should take to prepare for a no-deal Brexit:

  • Identify what processing activities will imply a personal data transfer to the UK
  • Determine the appropriate data transfer instrument for your situation
  • Implement the chosen data transfer instrument to be ready for 30 March 2019
  • Indicate in your internal documentation that transfers will be made to the UK
  • Update your privacy notice accordingly to inform individuals

Read the Information Note on data transfers under the GDPR in the event of a no-deal Brexit (pdf)