European Data Protection Board - Tenth Plenary session: Election of a new Deputy Chair, response to MEP In‘t Veld, third annual Privacy Shield Review

Publication date 16.5.2019 13.57 | Published in English on 16.5.2019 at 14.02
Type:Press release

On May 14th and 15th, the EEA Data Protection Authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor, assembled in the European Data Protection Board, met for their tenth plenary session. During the plenary a wide range of topics were discussed.

The Members of the Board elected Aleid Wolfsen, Chairman of the Dutch Supervisory Authority, as new Deputy Chair, replacing Willem Debeuckelaere, whom EDPB Chair Andrea Jelinek thanked for his work. Along with fellow Deputy Chair Ventsislav Karadjov, Mr. Wolfsen will support the EDPB Chair in her work for the Board over the coming years. Dr. Jelinek added: “Public interest in data protection is at an all-time high. I look forward to working with Aleid and Ventsislav to engage with the wider community of data protection stakeholders.”

Mr. Wolfsen added: “In the years to come, it is our responsibility as Board to deliver authoritative guidance and sound advice. I will make it my responsibility as Deputy Chair that we take on board all opinions, and ultimately speak with one voice.”

Response to MEP Sophie In’t Veld regarding connected vehicles

The EDPB adopted a letter in response to MEP Sophie In’t Veld’s letter of 17 April 2019 regarding the sharing of car drivers’ personal data with the car producer and third parties, without explicit consent, specific and informed consent of the driver, and without adequate legal basis. In its response the EDPB highlights that the Members of the Board and their international colleagues adopted an ICDPPC resolution on Data Protection in Automated and Connected Vehicles in 2017 and that the WP29 adopted its Opinion 3/2017 on the processing personal data in the context of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). The issue will also be dealt with according to the EDPB 2019-2020 work program.

Third Annual Privacy Shield Review

The EDPB designated representatives for the third annual review of the Privacy Shield.  Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary and the EDPS will represent the Board during the review.

More information:
Data Protection Ombudsman Reijo Aarnio, tel. +358 40 520 7068, reijo.aarnio(at)