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The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman has received two reports of personal data breaches in hotels in Helsinki – see our advice for victims of personal data breaches

Publication date 26.4.2022 17.08 | Published in English on 2.5.2022 at 11.55
Press release

The personal data of customers of two Nordic Choice Hotels establishments in Helsinki has been leaked. As far as the Office of Data Protection Ombudsman is aware, the leaked data include at least the customers' names, dates of birth and contact details, along with data from their official documents.

The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman has received preliminary notifications of personal data breaches involving thousands of hotel customers from two of the chain's hotels. No notifications concerning this matter have been received from other parties as of yet.

A personal data breach always involves a risk of misuse of the data. We have compiled general instructions for victims of personal data breaches on our website in Finnish. More information for victims of identity theft or personal data breaches is available from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's guide on

Additional information:

Deputy Data Protection Ombudsman Heljä-Tuulia Pihamaa, helja-tuulia.pihamaa(at), tel. 029 56 66787

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